I'm not entirely sure how but I'm thinking that through a combination of God's work within me and my love for Him, I managed to make it through the week and weekend while remaining true to my fast! And let me tell you, it's been so worth it! I've never been one to stick to anything I've decided to do (working out, not binge-watching netflix, not hitting the snooze button) but there's something happening in me and this fast is showing me just how much I need God every minute of every day. Last week as my stomach was growling and I was in the kitchen attempting to throw together some concoction that could be labeled food, something in my spirit just began to cry out for God; the hungrier I became, the stronger this yearning got to just go sit and talk to God and because of it He's been revealing some truths to me that I desperately needed to hear. When you take the focus off the external that surrounds you constantly and really begin focusing on the internal, there's no way to miss God's voice. A lot of us often think that we never hear God, that we can't, He doesn't speak to us, but really it's just that we don't know how to listen. We pray, we sing worship songs, we talk about Him and all of that is wonderful and He can speak through those things, but only if we have an ear for listening. If we're so tuned into everything around us, including satisfying ourselves through food, fun, work, etc then we never just sit and listen to hear God's whisper.
I'll share a story that I believe shows just how good God is when we're obedient and cheerful and passionate about obeying God's word and pleasing Him over ourselves. Yesterday I had to work my typical Saturday shift and since I don't get a lunch I packed something from home (fruit) and brought it with me, but I was worried that it wouldn't be enough to last an 8 hour day so I really wanted a smoothie from the place across the street to substitute as my breakfast. Well....as soon as I walked in I could see that almost every single smoothie offered had something in it that I couldn't have, but as I began talking to a regular customer behind me he made some suggestions and with a few tweaks or questions it seemed like I could get a smoothie while still maintaining my fast. I ordered my smoothie and walked out and was immediately hit with panic and worry, 'what if she lied to me and the smoothie did have extras in it?' or 'what if she'd told me she'd omit something just to get my business but it was there anyway?'. I was freaking myself out and by the time I walked to my job I had decided that as badly as I wanted a smoothie, I wasn't going to drink it if it meant going against this fast and the pledge I had made to stick this thing out. I sat the smoothie on the counter and didn't touch it for half an hour, and in that half an hour I texted, googled, and prayed trying to make sure that it was acceptable for me to have it. My prayers went something like this...'Heavenly Father, I want nothing more than to please and honor you and I pray that this smoothie is honoring to you, Lord. I pray that it's nourishing for my body but doesn't break any of the commitment that I've made to you.' It may sound silly but this smoothie had me in a tizzy and I was determined not to drink it if it was deemed forbidden. Ultimately the smoothie was acceptable, and might I add, delicious and I was joyful as it turned into a beautiful day at work, but God had more in store. Later that afternoon the owner of the store I work in stopped by to check in and see how the day was going. We chatted for a bit, I helped some customers, and he checked the numbers for the day which was nothing out of the ordinary. After about 30 minutes or so he decided that everything was good and he'd head out to enjoy his Saturday, but as he was walking towards the door he stopped, told me he was giving me a 50 cent raise (my second raise in the 3 months I've worked there) because I was doing a great job, and gave me a hug. Talk about wow! I laughed at first but after realizing he was being serious I could barely process the words 'Thank you' fast enough before he walked out the door. The thankfulness for this blessing hit me as soon as the door had closed behind him, but it wasn't until later that evening that I began thinking....God loves a cheerful giver, God judges the attitudes of our heart, God sees our motives...and I believe God was pleased that day. I wanted nothing more than to honor Him that morning, making sure to do what needed to be done to keep from ruining my fast even if it meant throwing a fresh $5.00 smoothie straight into the trash can; I was willing to sacrifice my want and desire for something in order to achieve the greater good of pleasing my Father. And when we place ourselves below God on our priority list, He will never disappoint in showing us how worth it that decision is.
God is good!! And if you give Him the chance, He'll prove that statement true EVERY TIME!
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